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Philippa Wells: Wall

Ian Wright
15 August 2011, 15:37

Really rich site Phillippa, it's a real balance of personal and professional. I always like some sense of the person when reading something like this. There used to be a term "appropriate self disclosure" from my old days in welfare work where you'd reveal personal information to help the relationship with the 'client'. I suspect establishing relationships with students is similar, and possibly more so online. I think knowing this and writing from a personal spot in blogs and other online vehicles makes for a much more interesting engagement with the recipient.

Debbie Hill
03 June 2011, 11:22

Wow Phillipa....I have nothing like this!! really interesting to see

Angela Hipwell
27 May 2011, 14:07

Hi Phillippa, Your Mahara sight is looking fantastic. In fact, I check it regularly to see the information you have put up to read. The videos are both topical and particularly entertaining. Ange