Profile Information


Nursing is a profession that needs dedication and passion. Loving what one is doing makes her action unique and sensible. It can turn out a simple work to an extraordinary one. It can help patients to achieve not only their physical needs but also their emotional and psychological aspect of well being. To touch somebody else life is one of my greatest fullfilment of being a nurse. I am PROUD to become ONE.

About Me

Hi I am Rhodora Angeles Tuazon. I am an international studentĀ  taking up nursing at University of Ballarat. I am free spirited, adventurous and fun loving. I am fund of meeting new people and gaining at lot of friends. See yah. Cheers!

  • First name: Rhodora
  • Last name: Tuazon
  • Student ID: 30096224
  • Postal address: 47 Ladywood Road, Modbury North, South Australia, 5092 Australia
  • Town: Modbury North
  • City/region: Adelaide
  • Country: Australia

Contact Information

  • Postal address: 47 Ladywood Road, Modbury North, South Australia, 5092 Australia
  • Town: Modbury North
  • City/region: Adelaide
  • Country: Australia

Academic Goals


Learning does not stops when you are already off from schools or universities. It is a continuous process that can happen anytime and anywhere. As a student nurse, I am aiming to improve my knowledge and skills in dealing with patients. I believe that having a good theoretical background and proper training with the different facilities in the hospital or in the community will mold me to become a good nurse here in Australia in the near future. Updating oneself by attending seminars and continuing program development is important in delivering a quality nursing care among patients.

My strength as a person is that I am caring and compassionate to others. This attitude of mine towards others help me to build up good working relationship with others. I am also punctual and responsible. For me, I believe that every minute counts. It is worth living if u make use of your time valuable and wisely. A single tick on the clock can save a patient life if one will use it properly.

Every person has its weaknesses and knowing this weaknesses is important for one to improve. One of my weaknesses starting a good conversation. I do sometimes experiencing difficulty in expressing myself beacuse my shyness overshadowed me. But staying here in Australia and by talking to my collegues regularly helps me to build my self confidence.


March 2011 - March 2012
Address: Pultney Street Adelaide South Australia

June 2001 - April 2005
Address: Manila, Philippines

June 1997 - April 2001
Address: Bataan, Philippines

June 1991 - April !997
Address: Balanga City Bataan, Philippines

Employment History

April 2011 - present
Address: Adelaide City South Australia

September 2008 - April 2011
Address: Makati City Philippines

August 2005 - April 2007
Address: Cavite, Philippines

Nursing Diploma

Nursing Local and International Licensure Certificates

Personal Goals

As a child that belongs to a family of 6 sibblings, I am aspiring to achieve all of my dreams for my family. I want to bring them a comfortable life and to buildĀ  the dream house that we ever wanted since I was a little child. My family serves as my inspiration and strength in fulfilling my dreams. They are the ones who continue believing and accepting me despite of my weaknessess. From them, I learned how to care, to love and to become a more stronger person.

As for my profession, I am looking forward to touch every person's heart by providing them the warm care that they need. To gain my patients trust is also significant to me. It is possible by providing them the best possible service that I can give and by building a good working relationship with them. At the end of the day, there is a single thing that I want to see --- a WARM SMILE that is coming from the people whom you have helped implying that " HEY JOB WELL DONE".


I love making friends and care for people. This encourage me to pursue my dream to become a nurse. I love bright colors coz it add beauty and make ny mood brighter and lovelier. When it comes to sports, love playing badminton and swimming. Likewise, I also love hiking because it brings me closer to nature. Exposing myself in an open air gives me a sense of freedom. Fairytales and life stories are the ones that interest me. Reading helps me to explore things and makes my imagination working. It gives me a sense of hope and strength in every trials that comes into my life. It makes me believe that in every story, challenges and hardships theres is always a happy ending that awaits for each one of us.

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Rhodora Tuazon
06 October 2011, 1:28

making friends is fun
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